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作者: 更新时间: 浏览:754 来源: 时间:2023-11-27 13:31:19


How to Make the Most Out of Your Visit to the English Garden in Munich?


The English Garden, also known as Englischer Garten, is one of Munich's most popular and beautiful attractions. Spanning over 900 acres, it offers a heavenly escape from the urban hustle and bustle. Whether you are a local or a tourist visiting the Munich, a visit to the English Garden should be on top of your list. In this article, we will explore some of the key attractions and activities available in the English Garden to help you make the most out of your visit.

1. Start at the Main Entrance:

Begin your adventure at the main entrance near Odeonsplatz. Here, you will find maps, information, and perhaps some local guides who can provide you with tips on how to navigate the vast garden. Grab a map to familiarize yourself with the different sections and points of interest within the English Garden.

2. Rent a Bike:

The English Garden is enormous, and exploring it on foot can be time-consuming. To cover more ground comfortably, consider renting a bike from one of the many rental stations available. Cycling through the garden's picturesque paths will not only save you time but also make your visit more enjoyable.

3. Picture-Perfect Spots:

The English Garden is teeming with picture-perfect spots. Take a relaxing stroll along the Kleinhesseloher Lake, where you can capture stunning vistas of the Chinese Tower or the Monopteros, especially during sunrise or sunset. The Japanese Teahouse and the Seehaus beer garden are also picturesque spots that offer ample is opportunities for beautiful photographs.

4. Surf the Eisbach:

If you are looking for some unique activities, head to the Eisbach, a small man-made river that runs through the English Garden. Brave surfers conquer the waves here year-round, providing an incredible spectacle for visitors. Marvel at their skills or, if you're a skilled surfer, why not join them?

5. Explore the Monopteros:

The Monopteros is an iconic Greek-style temple located on a hill in the English Garden. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the garden and Munich's skyline. It's an ideal spot for a picnic or to simply relax and soak in the tranquil surroundings. Don't forget to capture some Instagram-worthy shots from this vantage point!

6. Visit the Chinese Tower:

The Chinese Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks within the English Garden. This pagoda-style structure offers a great atmosphere for relaxation and socializing. Grab a beer from the nearby beer garden and enjoy traditional Bavarian delicacies while listening to live music performed by a local band.

7. in Join a Yoga Class:

The English Garden is a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. Many yoga classes are conducted in the garden, providing a unique experience for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Look out for scheduled classes and join one to unwind amidst nature's beauty.

8. Enjoy a Picnic:

With its vast lawns and shaded areas, the English Garden is the perfect place for a picnic. Pack a basket with delicious treats, find a and cozy spot under a tree, and enjoy a leisurely outdoor meal with friends or family. Don't forget to clean up after yourself and leave the area as peaceful and tidy as you found it.


The English Garden in Munich offers a diverse range of activities and attractions for visitors of all ages. From serene lakes and charming beer gardens to picture-perfect spots and outdoor activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So, grab a bike, a picnic blanket, or your camera, and embark on a memorable journey through this enchanting oasis in the heart of Munich.

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