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作者: 更新时间: 浏览:712 来源: 时间:2023-11-27 13:35:53










【Development and Changes of Shishou Community】

Shishou Community is the place where I grew up and the place where my emotions belong. In this community, I have witnessed many changes and progress. Below, I will present the development and changes of Shishou Community from the aspects of housing conditions, residents' qualities, living and facilities, and community management.

Housing conditions are one of the important indicators to measure the development level of a community. When I recall the Shishou Community of my childhood, I still remember the old and monotonous buildings. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of urban economy and the government's emphasis on housing renovation, the housing conditions in Shishou Community have been greatly improved. The former buildings have been transformed into new-style low-rise buildings with modern decoration style, which has greatly improved the residents' living standards. Meanwhile, the community has also introduced some high-end housing projects, enriching the diversity of housing choices and meeting the needs of different people.

The improvement of residents' quality is a symbol of community ing development. The residents' quality in Shishou Community has undergone obvious changes in the past few decades. In the past, reckless and rude behaviors occurred from time to time, and the community order was poor. However, with the improvement of education level, the cultural literacy of residents has generally increased, and there is better mutual understanding and respect among residents, resulting in a significantly enhanced harmonious atmosphere in the community. In recent cultural activities, I have also found that more and more residents actively participate, displaying and inheriting the excellent culture of Shishou Community.

Living facilities are an important guarantee for residents' quality of life. The transportation, education, medical care, and other living facilities in Shishou Community have been greatly improved. Now, there are not only sufficient bus routes within the community for the convenience of residents' travel, but also gradually improved bicycle lanes and pedestrian blocks, advocating green travel. At the same time, the community has several high-quality primary schools and middle schools, providing children with good education resources. In terms of medical care, the community has also introduced some large-scale medical institutions, which facilitate residents' medical treatment and improve the level of health security.

Community management is the key to the benign development of a community. Shishou Community has implemented a series of reform measures in community management, such as the commercialization of public services and the establishment of the owners' committee. These measures have improved the operational efficiency of the community and solved some management difficulties in the past. Meanwhile, the community also emphasizes cooperation with surrounding enterprises and institutions, promoting resource sharing and co-construction. The interaction among residents is also more active, and community activities enrich residents' leisure life, enhancing the neighborhood's emotions.

In general, Shishou Community has made significant progress and changes in housing conditions, residents' qualities, living facilities, and community management. However, with the continuous development of society, Shishou Community still faces some problems, such as the renovation of old communities and the humanization of community management. I believe that with the joint efforts of the government and residents, Shishou Community will continue to develop vigorously and become a more livable community.

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